Through working with MEMS microphones (microelectronic microphones), I knew many miniaturized microphones had a frequency range that captured sound beyond the human hearing spectrum. Rats hearing spectrum is much broader ranging from 200Hz–80 or 90kHz, so they can hear sounds that are much lower and higher in frequency than human ears. Professor at RPI and artist Kathy High had been working on a project called Rat Laughter, which was an ongoing project wherein she had hoped to use ultrasonic technology to audibly convey the lives of rats, putting the listener in the position of an “other” species. Systems Engineer Eric Rosenthal, along with collaborator Matt Wellins and I worked together to capture and produce an orchestra of Rat Laughter as a sound track designed for a rat’s hearing range. Rat Laughter’s goal is to compose a piece for rats, not humans, privileging and composing with ultrasonic rat vocalization.