The Shared Processes of Tintype and Circuitry (process detail), LED embedded in Tintype, 2020

These works wee made in collaboration with Artist Melitte Buchman. These proof of concept experiments utilize the tin from tintype photography to etch a simple LED circuit behind the chemistry of the tintype photographic process. This research will hopefully continue with proper resources and facilities. Images are proof of concept.
The Shared Processes of Tintype and Circuitry, LED embedded in Tintype, 2020
Surface Mount Gallaxy, electronic components, photo paper, Caffenol C recipe, 2020
Surface Mount Gallaxy, electronic components, photo paper, Caffenol C recipe, 2020
The Price of a Cochlea, 2018, Surface Mount Microphone Packaging in the shape of a spiral, foliage, Caffenol C Recipe (non toxic developer), Peebles Island, Troy, NY, 2020, Contact Print, 11 x 14
Lippman Process proof, 2018

Scientist in Residence at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program worked with a teach of engineers to recreate the Lippmann Process. The Lippmann Process captures the interference patterns of light captured between photographic chemistry in wet plate photography. I was involved in the research of this project as well as darkroom testing.